We are off road enthusiasts who enjoy the great outdoors and the adventure of exploring new places.

Many things make up a great expedition. The preparations and the planning, the camping, the travel, the camaraderie, meeting new friends, challenging trails and seeing new sights around every corner are just a few reasons we enjoy it so much.

We believe that we should be good stewards of the land by following the tenets of Tread Lightly, practicing low impact camping and encouraging others to do the same.

Friday, September 2, 2011

CDR Day 8

The Oregon Trail

Crossing the divide

Desolate country

Day 8 had us traveling out of Pinedale southeast where we crossed the divide again southeast of Big Sandy, WY.

From there we continued our southeast direction where crossed the Great Divide Basin. No pavement, all dirt roads and two track trails. It is very dry and the dust was unrelenting. It gets into everything.

Along our way we found the Oregon Trail that we followed as long as we could. The country is windy, desolate and far from nowhere. It is amazing how the pioneers survived when they crossed this part of the country. We finally reached Rawlins, WY where will spend the night and wait for Marcus, Rob and Ben from Lincoln who will join us and travel south with the team.

We have stocked up on supplies as this will be a leg of the trip that will not have any amenities for a long while.


  1. The trip looks like fabulous fun so far! I envy your trip through Colorado! Enjoy!

  2. Colorado was fun. We camped a about the 10,500 foot mark above Breckenridge the first Colorado camp. The trip following the divide was great and we saw things we hadn't seen before. Marshall Pass and the forests of southern Colorado were fantastic.
